Active Projects
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How It Works
#1 Create a New Project
Create a new project for your home or property. Describe the project with as much detail as possible, optionally including measurements and pictures. If applicable, include desired images or unique materials you want to use. Submit for bidding.
#2 Review Bids & Chat
Your project will be posted for contractors to place bids online or call you. Review the online bids and use the chat feature to ask questions or negotiate with the contractor.
#3 Accept & Start
Once accepted, use the recommended payment system to track your project and ensure funds are secure. A digital record of all project details, including documents, payments, pictures, and dates, will be maintained. Funds are secured in escrow until work is completed.
#4 Check Status & Release Payments
Check the status of the project and release funds from escrow based on the terms you and your contractor agreed upon.
Featured Benefits
Communicate Before Meeting
Convenient Online Bidding
Secure Payment System
Additional Benefits
Submit your project quickly and easily without any hassle.
Receive multiple online offers without taking time off work.
Communicate privately with contractors through our chat system.
Keep your money safe with escrow payments released only after job milestones.
Share design inspiration or project ideas directly from your phone or social media.
Track all project details, including documents, payments, and photos, in one place.
View contractor ratings, reviews, and examples of past work.
Get Started Today
Sign up now to post your project and connect with skilled contractors. Welcome to the future of home improvement!
Builder Breeze: Transforming Home Improvement with Innovation and Trust, Making Every Project a Breeze.